Chart of Accounts

From the menu bar, click Maintenance, click Ledger Maintenance and click Chart of Accounts or press Alt N L C on the keyboard.

A default chart of accounts is sent with AIMsi. Each ledger account is assigned to the appropriate type, sub type and group. It should not be necessary to change the ledger numbers to match ledger numbers that you may have used in a previous ledger system as you will create more work for yourself than is necessary. Any time it is necessary to assign a ledger number to a category or select a ledger number to report on, you may select the ledger number from your chart of accounts. The financial statements will show you the description of the ledger account and not the number. You may decide to change the description of a ledger number and as long as you don't change what the ledger number represents, you will not have to change categories or system tables.

Example: Ledger number 108-1 reads 'CheckingAcct # 1' which you might want to change to the bank name, i.e. B of A Checking.

Note: If you do decide to modify the chart of accounts, it is very important that you reference 'Maintain Inventory Categories' on the Inventory Maintenance menu and 'System Categories', 'Payment Categories', 'Return Categories' and 'Non Inventory Categories' on the Ledger Maintenance menu in order to make needed changes to those files as well. Once the new ledger number is added to the chart of accounts you may use 'Change Ledger Number' on the Ledger Maintenance menu to change the ledger number assigned to categories.

Example: You will notice that the 120 asset accounts refer to inventory. If you wish to change the 120 ledger numbers to 150, not only must you change the chart of accounts but you must also change all categories and system categories that currently have 120 as the ledger account to 150.


Adding a Ledger Account

Changing a Ledger Account

Ledger Account Data Fields